Support The King’s Consort


You can make a charitable donation to TKC of any amount. You are assured that your donation goes directly towards world-class music making. If you pay tax in the UK, your entire donation can qualify for Gift Aid, bringing us a further 25% without any extra cost to you. If you are a higher rate tax payer, you can also receive tax benefits. Please contact us, using the contact form, and we will outline the most efficient way for you to support us.

Gift Aid

TKC’s parent charity, Vivat Music Foundation, is a registered charity (number 1135251). All qualifying donations are eligible for UK Gift Aid. If you are a UK tax payer, TKC receives an extra 25% from your donation at no extra cost to you. If you are a higher-rate tax payer, you too can receive tax benefits from your donation.

For further details of how you can support TKC, please contact:

The King's Consort
The Old Rectory, Alpheton, Suffolk CO10 9BT
tel: 01284 826044

To get in touch by e-mail please click here and fill out our contact form.

Donations can be made online by credit card, by direct bank transfer, by standing order, or by cheque. We will contact you by return to arrange payment using the payment method that is most convenient for you, and to ensure that your donation attracts the maximum tax benefits for both TKC and for you.